Discover the birthplace of manuscripts and their ancestry by exploring their geographical origin.

The Corrupted Modern Critical Text from Alexandria, Egypt

The Critical Text Editors give highest priority to the age of certain Papyri and Codices Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. So, let's examine from what Area the Critical Text has its roots from.

Papyri from Oxyrhynchus, Egypt - from the City's Garbage Mound

Papyri from Nag Hammadi, Egypt - from a Gnostic Compound

Codex Vaticanus - discovered in the Vatican in 1481, roots are traced back to Alexandria, Egypt

Codex Sinaiticus - discovered at a Monastery at Mount Sinai in 1844, roots are traced back to Alexandria, Egypt

Alexandria, Egypt where Clement and Origen taught at the Theological School. This school mixed Greek philosophy or Gnostic beliefs (secret mystical occult knowledge) with Biblical teaching.

All Modern Bibles using Nestle/Aland or UBS Greek Texts - called Critical Text - have their foundation from these very suspect places of Egypt. Is this where God preserved his Word? For a born again Christian, this would be unthinkable.

The Traditional Text Line from Antioch, Syria

Antioch in Syria - The springboard for the Gentile Church. It became the center for Gentile Christians just as Jerusalem was for the Jews.

The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.

Antioch was the center for the outreach of the Apostle Paul and his missionary journeys.

Many of the disciples also visited Antioch

Antioch was the "heartbeat" of Christianity.

On these Charts below you see all the activity where generally the multitude of Manuscripts for the Traditional Text originated, kept in widespread usage and made available for the Saints in the Churches. A Mother Church was a Church in possession of an Original Letter (Autographs). From there, Copies were made for other Churches and distributed freely. Later on other Churches took their copies (Apographs) and went to the Mother Churches (Rome, Ephesus, Corinth, etc) and compared their copies with the Originals. This is why the Traditional Text with 99% of the Greek Manuscripts are in almost complete agreement.

Only Bibles based on the Traditional Text - called Textus Receptus - have their foundation from this area of active Christian development. This IS how God has preserved his Word. Through his Church, by faithful Scribes, made his Word available among Churches throughout the Centuries, for a widespread usage by his Saints. For a born again Christian, this makes perfect sense.

Look where the Books of the New Testament Originated (not Egypt)

Paul's Missionary Journeys (not Egypt)

Seven Letters from Revelation (not Egypt)

The Local Churches around the 1st Century. The overwhelming amount of early Church Fathers' quotations and also early Translations are in agreement with the Traditional Text (not Egypt)

Find out what Manuscripts your Bible is based on, where they come from and why it matters.