Bible Version for the Born Again Christian

1) Use the Traditional Line of Manuscripts that Christians have used since the 1st Century. It is a settled Text - 99% of all Manuscripts are in overwhelming agreement with one another.

Reject the very recent - always changing - Line of corrupted Manuscripts (Alexandrian). This Text mainly uses 2 highly corrupted Manuscripts which greatly disagree with each other and the Traditional Line. All the missing Words and Sentences in modern Bibles - and there are many of them - come from this Line

2) Use the Word for Word Translation

Reject the "Thought for Thought" or "Paraphrasing" -these are recent inventions and are a watering down of Scripture.

Please read and study the 2 pdf files below very carefully. They contain a lot of Information on a high level summary format. They will help you to discern and make your own God - honoring decisions. This whole Website is designed in summary level for you to be able to get a good Overview.

Use the Library, it contains all the necessary detail for any points you want to further investigate. There are excellent free Books to download, Videos and links to other Websites.

There are really only 2 Criteria valid for selecting a Bible Version

Use a Version which is unadulterated, traditional and the preserved Word of God. It should be readable and understandable in your Language. Cast aside any feeling, personal preference or tradition. The importance is for you to actually hold and read THE Preserved and Inspired Word of God.

Please note the following: (in general)

The Traditional Text is also called: Textus Receptus, Majority Text, Byzantine Text

The Critical Text is also called: Alexandrian Text, Minority Text, Modern Text, Nestle/Aland, UBS

check out why Modern Text Critics can not be trusted to change your Bible.

In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Colossians 1:14

About me

I am passionate about helping born again Christians understand the significance of selecting the right Bible version.

Please fill out the Contact form below if you are interested. I would be glad to discuss this issue directly with you over the Phone.

This Site is dedicated to the Glory of my Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ.

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