Rationale to choose the Traditional Text - a continuous Text within the Church of Christ:
Ample overwhelming support of early Papyri, Church Fathers and ancient Translations (Versions)
Carefully copied - by Believers with a very high view of the purity Scripture. 99% of Manuscripts are in overwhelming agreement with one another - this speaks volumes.
Geographically widespread usage and availability for the Saints to read and study.
Early Church, after persecution ended, weeded out corrupt, Gnostic manuscripts (Critical Text) by he end of the 4th Century. Having had ample evidence at that time to do so.
Continuous historical usage under God's providential preservation.
Rationale to reject the Critical Text - a reconstructed, always changing Text outside the Church of Christ:
Little support of early Papyri, Church Fathers and ancient Translations (Versions)
Sloppy copyist - by Unbelievers with no regard of Scripture. Codex Vaticanus and Sinaiticus disagree over 30% - this speaks volumes as well!
Geographically only local usage and limited availability for the Saints to read and study.
Early Church, after persecution ended, weeded out corrupt, Gnostic manuscripts (Critical Text) by he end of the 4th Century. Having had ample evidence at that time to do so.
No continuous historical usage. Can not be considered providential preservation.
Codex Vaticanus: 90% of the Text: corrected multiple times, last one in the 15th Century making exact identification of many earlier characters impossible; misses 2877 words in the Gospel, no historical usage; Reformers rejected using it; contains late classical Greek and not early Koine Greek .......
Codex Sinaiticus: 8% of the Text: latest count of 27,000 corrections to the text; really appears to be a fake. University refuses to do a chemical Analysis of Ink and Paper.
There is likely not a single manuscript in the World who reads exactly like it - not even for a single sentence.
They disagree with each other 30% AND of course disagree widely with the Traditional Text.
Modern Text Critics do not even agree with themselves.
This effort of Reconstructionism will lead to countless newly manufactured Greek texts every decade.
This outdated view of "oldest" is best - versus quality and interval of copies made.
Claiming it does not affect Doctrine - it does!
Academia claims ownership of the Text - however, it belongs to the Church.
Grouping manuscripts into Families - another one who has been disproved.
Modern Text Criticism is NOT science - see section of Archaic Mark

Think about this for a moment
The 4th Century Church, after persecution ceased:
was in the middle of the battle with various Gnostic Groups for the pure Scripture Text.
Had thousands of preserved Manuscripts available.
Did not involve modern arbitrary methods of creating constantly changing Greek Manuscripts.
This resulted in a settled, finalized Text preserved until today by the Providence of God himself.
The Modern Text Critics:
Is over 1500 Years after the early Church finalized the Traditional preserved Text.
Has only 2 highly questionable, corrupt Codices, with no historical usage.
Involves modern arbitrary methods of creating constantly changing Greek Manuscripts.
This results in a constantly changing Critical Text based on the whims and methods used whoever is the current Critical Text Editor. Nestle/Aland 29 is coming out in 2024. Wohoo, lot's of new changes ...