This will show us that Modern Text Criticism is NOT a Science. It is no more than an arbitrary selection by a very small group of so called "Experts".

There is an undeniable, Cult-like status of Codex Vaticanus among modern text Critics. Both Sinaiticus and Vaticanus don't have the ending in Mark 16:9-20. Modern Bibles usually have large brackets around this text and state in a footnote that "Some of the earliest manuscripts do not include 16:9-20" It is greatly desired to completely remove these verses altogether! The only problem they have is that literally all of the over 1600 Manuscripts in existence who have Mark, do have these verses!

But now they found Manuscript 2427 which does not have the ending of Mark like Vaticanus. Finally they found a 3rd Manuscript without the ending! The drive is on to eliminate verses 9-20 completely from the Text. So, totally arbitrarily, they elevated Archaic Mark to a category 1 manuscript! This is how they describe category 1: “It is a manuscript of a very special quality which should be considered in establishing the original text – example: the Alexandrian text belongs here. The papyri and uncials up to the 3rd and 4th Century belong here almost automatically because they represent the text of the early period.”

Lo and behold, in Nestle/Aland 27th edition this Manuscript, Archaic Mark, becomes a powerful witness / reference within their apparatus!

It turns out that Archaic Mark was a modern fake! Here is a document that was rated a category 1 manuscript by all the text critics, who are supposed to be "Experts". See how easily they are fooled?

And how did we found out it was a fake? Chemical testing of the Ink. It's that simple. This is a prime example of how the so-called experts are completely deceived by a forged manuscript that was created in the 19th century. This is used to change your Bible!

Just a Note on Mark 16:9-20 - It is absolutely part of the Gospel of Mark - Look at early Witnesses! 99.8% of Greek manuscripts include it!

Manuscript 2427, also known as Archaic Mark, has been exposed as a fraudulent category 1 manuscript. This undermines the validity of Modern Text Criticism, showing it to be a subjective practice at best.

Lecture by Jeff Riddle: A Defense of the Traditional Ending of Mark (Mark 16:9-20)